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Some people will feel energetic waves or tingling and or tickling sensations, as well as emotional responses or a feeling of emotional release during reiki sessions. It is very common for people to fall asleep too! Others may not feel any of these sensations at the time, and both are ok. Please know that whether you feel it or not, Reiki energy always works for your highest good, and sometimes continues to work in your energy field for days afterward.
Many people are concerned about their ability to visualize during a BQH session. We are all different. Some of us can "see" easily and for some of us it is more difficult. As BQH founder Candace Craw Goldman states, "Imagination is the language of the soul." It is how your subconscious communicates with you. Imagination in this context refers to your ability to relax and allow images and their messages to come to you.
Some people do not "see" anything at all, but instead may hear, feel, or just know what is going on during the session. You don't have to see any visuals to receive answers and wisdom from a BQH session. It's best to go into your session with no expectations at all, because every person and every session is different and we receive what we are supposed to at the time. A common misconception is that you are "making things up", and therefore you don't trust your own experience. Please have enough faith and trust in yourself to know that you can trust what you "see" or experience. For those that have trouble with visualization, I am happy to help if a client feels they need additional support in getting ready for a session. If you don't already, learning to quiet your mind through meditation is very helpful too.
Here are some tools to help you practice visualization and get ready for a BQH session.
Practice Regression
Jumpstarting your imagination
Reiki and BQH are modalities for spiritual health and can promote spiritual growth, but they are in no way related to any religion. People of all religious beliefs or none at all are welcome here.
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Jamie Sills is an Affilliate Member of the ICRT
Usui Holy Fire 111 © is the registered service mark of William Rand.
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